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Lia Fyles - Director

Цей тип карток ідеально підходить для екстрених витрат чи швидких покупок. Перед оформленням варто звернути увагу на відсоткову ставку, наявність пільгового періоду та умови використання, щоб вибрати найбільш вигідний варіант. Кредитні картки з миттєвим рішенням — це зручний спосіб отримати доступ до кредитного ліміту за лічені хвилини. Такий формат підходить для тих, хто цінує швидкість і не хоче витрачати час на довготривалі перевірки або оформлення документів.

Lia is the Race Director of the London Landmarks Half Marathon and is responsible for the overall successful delivery of the event. She has been working at Tommy’s since 2008 and during her first six years at the charity led Tommy’s challenge events, marketing and individual giving programmes. 
In December 2014, Lia took on the challenge of launching a new major event to provide a fresh income stream for Tommy’s which resulted in the creation of the London Landmarks Half Marathon.

Фінансові труднощі можуть виникнути несподівано, і часто потрібне швидке рішення без зайвих складнощів. У таких випадках вам допоможе сервіс – платформа, яка дозволяє отримати кредит онлайн без черг і зайвих формальностей. Це зручний інструмент для покриття термінових витрат, таких як ремонт, покупка техніки чи оплата рахунків. Оформити позику на дуже просто: достатньо заповнити коротку заявку, і після її схвалення гроші миттєво надійдуть на вашу картку. Уся процедура займає мінімум часу, а умови прозорі й зрозумілі для кожного. Важливо пам’ятати про відповідальність при оформленні позики: ознайомтеся з відсотковими ставками, термінами погашення та можливістю пролонгації. Завдяки цьому сервісу ви зможете швидко вирішити фінансові питання та уникнути непередбачених ситуацій, заощадивши час і нерви.

Lia is a Mathematics graduate from The University of Leeds and prior to working at Tommy’s worked in global marketing for Unilever.  She is a keen salsa dancer and runner and has previously spent time living in Japan, Paris and Australia. She has also worked as a Chef onboard a Great Barrier Reef dive boat!


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Rhiannon Hopkin - Event Project Manager

Rhiannon is responsible for ensuring #TeamTommys in the London landmarks Half Marathon is the best it can be! Whether it’s encouraging Tommy’s supporters to run or welcoming new runners to the charity, Rhiannon is dedicated to ensuring every runner feels supported every step of the way, has a great race day experience in March and knows the difference they are making to Tommy’s. 

Having volunteered in South Africa while at University, Rhiannon has been passionate about working for the charity sector ever since she graduated from the University of Southampton with a degree in Applied Social Science (Anthropology). She has worked in a range of local and national children’s charities and is truly inspired to take the skills learnt previously to fund the amazing work at Tommy’s. 

Rhiannon loves exploring the outdoors and when she isn’t navigating a mountain (Everest Base Camp is the aim!), Rhiannon enjoys trying new recipes in the kitchen and dreams of being a top notch vegan chef.



Matthew Harris – Senior Event Manager, Tommy’s

Matthew is responsible for everything Tommy’s related, ensuring the 2,000+ Tommy’s runners taking part in LLHM have the best experience possible. Matthew’s been working at LLHM since 2019 following the completion of his degree in Charity Development.

In the past couple of years Matthew’s found a love for bouldering, running, and obstacle races. 



Emma Sayers – Event Partnerships & Marketing Manager

Emma is responsible for keeping you up-to-date on all the latest LLHM news on social media, bringing on board new event partners and keeping current partners happy, maximising event awareness nationwide, and (perhaps most fun of all) designing the LLHM medal and finisher t-shirt. 

Having worked in sports PR and events for the past eight years, Emma loves the thrill of working through the event cycle and seeing it all come to life on event day. 



Nick Hodges-Gibson - Communications & Engagement Manager

Nick is responsible for all our LLHM event communications and delivering the community engagement programme. Nick joined the team 4 years ago after discovering a passion for running. He previously worked project managing community engagement and social cohesion programmes for charities and cultural organisations.

He spends his time with his young family, racing for his local club and walking Murphy the Greyhound around East London. 

Cath Grove - Event Officer

Cath is responsible for email communications to our Team Tommy’s runners, making sure that the team have all the information and support they need to have the best LLHM experience possible! She also looks after our supporter stories, sharing people’s reasons for running with the wider Tommy’s community and beyond, and helping to raise awareness of the impact of baby loss and pregnancy complications. 

Having volunteered for charity fundraising events throughout university, Cath loves bringing people together for a good cause and seeing everyone have an incredible time. 


Tom Garlick – Event Assistant

Tom is the first point of contact for anything LLHM. If you send us an email or give us a call, it’s very likely that Tom will be the one responding. 

Tom is a keen sports fan with a particular interest in football and cricket. He first gained an interest in working in sporting events during his time as Chairman of The University of Kent Cricket Club and was very keen to pursue this interest further with LLHM.

Holly Tilt - Event Assistant 

Supporting both Team Tommy’s and the Landmarks team in all aspects of the event, Holly is on hand to support participants from registration all the way to the finish line. Often the first point of contact, Holly contributes to providing a unique experience for all runners whether they are taking part for personal reasons, through the Tommy’s Corporate Challenge or racing to a personal best. 

Holly comes from a stage management background bringing her own personal experience of running the LLHM and fundraising for Tommy’s. Holly has a particular interest in the holistic benefits of running and making physical activity accessible for everyone.