We’re proud that the LLHM 2025 route will be plastic bottle free and we encourage all runners to bring their own refillable water bottle.
Paper cups of water will be available along the route at our four water stations for top ups and these are located at 3, 6, 9 and 11.5 miles.
There will be numerous tables with water at each drinks station so please do not head straight to the first table. It may be easier to collect from one of the other tables. Please try to dispose of the cups at the designated zones at the end of each drinks station.
Cans of water will be provided after the finish line in your goody bag. Aluminium cans are considered to be infinitely recyclable and a more sustainable solution to plastic
Double decker buses will be used for the LLHM 2025 baggage facility. The buses provide a safe, fast and effective way for you to leave any baggage while you run the event. Please check below to find out which bag drop you should use, according to your wave.
We've put together a guide below for using the baggage busses.
Participants must use the arrival areas and baggage busses they are allocated.
Please see below the arrival map for baggage bus locations. Baggage busses have been allocated based on your wave, which will be released shortly. We kindly ask participants use the bus that they have been allocated.
We strongly recommend meeting your friends and family away from the finish line as this area will be exceptionally busy. Please see the post-race map below for your baggage bus collection point.
Timing mats to provide your splits are located at 5km, 10km, 15km and 20km.
There will be plenty of toilet provisions for you on the course. Temporary toilets will be located at miles 3, 6, 9, and 11.5 as well as at the start and finish areas.