Guided Tours
Once again our amazing partners the City Guides and Westminster Guides are back to provide fantastic free guided tours on LLHM 2025 race day.
The short tours will be led by Official Guides of the City of London and Westminster and are the perfect way to discover more about London whilst cheering on a loved one.
The following free tours are available to join on 2025 race day:
In Westminster
The King's Fabulous Beasties and Other Animals
Come with us to a magical land of the King’s fabulous beasties and other animals right in the middle of busy Westminster! Help us find the bird with no feet, the horse that sleeps on a crown and so many lions that can’t wait to meet you…. Who knows, we might even find a unicorn wearing a crown round its neck. Our walk starts at Storeys Gate and Victoria Street and finishes in front of Westminster Abbey’s West Doors
Corner of Victoria and Tothill Streets - 10:30am - 1:30pm
Book your place here
In the City
Fabulous Beasts and Other City Animals
Some of the City’s animals await you – from those with the smallest squeak to those with the biggest roar they all have stories. Come on this tour with the City of London Guides to discover them. Some of our animals are in surprising places, some are magical and all of them are really close to the LLHM race route. A family-friendly, free, fun, guided walk, only for race day.
Monument Tube, Fish Street Hill exit - 10.30am - 1.30pm
Book your place here
You can read about the other tours offered by the City Guides and Westminster Guides all year round on their websites.